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Host a Workshop

Thank you for your interest in hosting a training. Learn more about our Language Acquisition through Motor Planning approach training offerings HERE. We look forward to working with you to provide an informative, fun and safe atmosphere for learning! The Center for AAC & Autism will be doing in-person trainings only when we can comply with CDC and local guidelines, and we feel we can ensure the health and safety of our hosts, attendees, and trainers. 

Requests to host a LAMP training can be made by filling out the LAMP Request Form. Please make a request five months prior to the desired date of the workshop. Selection of host sites is at the discretion of the Center of AAC & Autism based on a number of factors (location, room capacity, number of applicants, and presenter availability, etc.). Once selected, the hosting center will be contacted to work out details.

Public Trainings

The Center for AAC & Autism is able to offer low-cost public trainings by working with host sites that can offer space for the presentations. In return, the host site receives ten free registrations for their staff and the opportunity for three of their clients to receive a one-month AAC device loan to try the LAMP™ approach

Host Site Responsibilities Include:

  • Providing meeting space and parking availability for at least 50 people. 
  • Providing audio/visual equipment i.e. screen, projector, sound, etc.
  • Introduce the LAMP trainer the day of the workshop
  • Provide access to refreshments
  • Assisting CAA staff with set-up and registration
  • Local promotion of workshop (brochures provided); announcement of workshop and link to CAA website on host facility's website (if available)

The Center for AAC & Autism will:

  • Provide respected speakers and cover all related expenses
  • Provide a quality course
  • Advertise the workshop and your facility through targeted e-mails, brochures, and postings on our website
  • Handle registrations
  • Supply handouts and manuals
  • Provide Certificates of Completion to all participants
  • Provide ASHA approved CEUs
  • Provide the host with 10 free registrations for host site employees for the LAMP and LAMP Extended courses and 5 free registrations for the Moving Forward course
  • Provide free registration for the parents of the clients that will be using the trial devices provided with this workshop

PRC-Saltillo will provide:

  • A one-month trial period with up to three dedicated devices (either Accent 1000 or Accent 800 based on availability)
  • Additional training through the clients' local consultant and e-trainings

Private Trainings

Large facilities such as service/regional centers, public schools, and clinic networks may pay a speaker fee for private training for larger numbers of staff.

Host site Responsibilities Include:  

  • Providing meeting space and parking availability for up to 100 people (additional fees for more than 100)
  • Announcing to intended audience to promote attendance
  • Sharing registration information with The Center for AAC & Autism
  • Providing audio/visual equipment i.e. screen, projector, sound, etc.
  • Introducing the LAMP trainer the day of the workshop
  • Providing access to refreshments
  • Assisting CAA staff with set-up

The Center for AAC & Autism will:

  • Provide respected speakers
  • Provide a quality course for up to 100 attendees 
  • Supply handouts and manuals
  • Provide Certificates of Completion to all participants
  • Provide ASHA approved CEUs

PRC-Saltillo will provide:

  • A one-month trial period with up to three dedicated devices (either Accent 1000 or Accent 800 based on availability)
  • Additional training through the clients' local consultant and e-trainings

For more information about our private in-person and online training options click here.