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Success Stories

Ethan Bartlett, The Unstoppable Communicator!

In 2016, Ethan Bartlett received his Accent 1000 – and he hasn’t stopped communicating since. Ethan, a 14 year-old with autism, has been using his device to communicate everything from greeting others to asking questions in class to getting butter put on his roll! "Ethan needed help to put butter on his roll...


It's Not What She Wanted To Say

No matter how hard they tried, Lydia just wasn’t interested. The sweet, happy little girl was diagnosed with Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, a mitochondrial disease, which left her nonverbal. To help their daughter communicate, Lydia’s parents began to search for a method that would work best for her, one...


Alex: A LAMP Success Story

Like most children with Angelman Syndrome, Alex only communicated with natural gestures. “He really didn’t have a way to communicate effectively at home,” said his mom. “Alex would point to things he wanted, go to the pantry and/or refrigerator to obtain items, or simply pick from choices given to...


Isaiah Finds His 'Voice'

While speech therapist Sarah Allen has records denoting certain goals achieved while working with 8-year-old Isaiah who has autism, like the increasing frequency with which he's sought out augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), more important to her -- and harder to measure objectively -- is how often his intent...


Jimmy's Story

After years of frustration, family members, teachers and classmates are finally getting a glimpse inside the mind of 13-year-old Jim Caster. "He's able to ask for what he wants or what he needs or what he doesn't want," said his speech therapist, Heather Gray. "His personality and sense of humor are starting to come out....


Unlocking The Words

LAMP™ Combines with Team Approach to Introduce Children to a New World Meet Adrian, a 5-year-old boy who loves bowling and Parker, a 7-year-old boy who loves puppies. Both boys are in the same classroom at Vista Grande Elementary School in Rio Rancho, N.M. but the similarities don’t end there. For nearly one...